Friday, November 10, 2006
what happend to appreciation?...
I have the opportunity to serve on some staffs with high positions. I admit the work was trying and my grades sort of slipped because of it, but the work got done in a professional manner and of course it was organized!!! BUT MY ADVISOR and other "incharge" people, hold grudges against me and kept royalties and extra benefits anyone else that would hold the position would recieve. I never recieved a thank you or even a nice job, just sarcastic b.s. and the negative "your not gonna make it" balck person's attitiude. I hate that im doing all that i can and you dont appreciate the work!!! You got me all mixed up. Why cant WE (coloreds) get it together? I hate to say it but I re-think the non LSU descsion i made 4 years ago... AM i wrong or am i RIGHT-